Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hand's Off My Son's Penis, San Francisco

San Francisco, and San Francisco Jr. (Santa Monica), are both seriously considering bans on male circumcisions, at least for minors. There are men coming from various worldviews who are strongly against infant male circumcision. There is a high amount of emotion over the issue, as those who defend or encourage it cite religious or health reasons. Witness Gino Hasler of Arleta, who wrote in to the Los Angeles Times, writing against the practice.
This barbaric and sadistic ritual belongs in the Middle Ages and should not be tolerated today.

Then there’s J.M. Samuel of Santa Monica:
It seems to me that there is no difference between outlawing male circumcision, which a group wants to do in Santa Monica, and outlawing abortion. It is another example of people who want to legislate their own morals and impose their will on others concerning an area that should be left to an individual's right to choose.

There's a huge difference. When you circumcise a boy, you cut off skin from his penis. He goes on living. When you abort a boy, you slaughter him, thus murdering him.

So, I wonder if it will still be okay in San Francisco to cut off all of your son's penis, as long as he “feels like a girl"?

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