Thursday, October 28, 2021

Stop Demanding Big Brother Bully Your Boss

It is pathetic how people want the federal government to force itself further into everyone's life by interfering even more in the trading taking place between and employee and an employer.

We need smaller, more limited government, not to increase the powers and intrusion of the federal government.

If your employer isn't providing you what you want in your trading with them, one or more of the following is true:

1) You're a bad negotiator.

2) You haven't made yourself valuable enough to your employer.

3) Your demands are unreasonable or not feasible.

4) You chose a bad employer.

Stop demanding Big Brother bully your boss. Take responsibility for yourself.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Caring For the Poor in the USA

Not everyone is poor for the same reason, and I don't automatically dismiss someone as a "failure" or "loser" because they are poor, but nor do I automatically have sympathy for what we call the poor here in the USA.

Our somewhat-free markets have enabled most of the poor of yesterday to be the middle-class or even wealthy of today. Sure, there is some "luck" involved - I do not believe in some spiritual event in which people choose their parents and all that comes with it (genetics, parents' financial status, parenting ability, etc.) However, even being born to poor parents, one is not likely to be poor for very long into their adulthood if they:

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

A Few Reasons We Need a National Divorce

There is no compromise between:

a right to life from conception -and- a right to elective abortion

a Union of States with an Electoral College and equal Senate representation -and- a nationwide democratic vote 

a right to self-defense including the private ownership and use of firearms -and- a ban on private firearm possession

a restricted national border -and- an effectively open national border

more school choice -and- no additional school choice

individualism and equality under the law -and- identity politics

A national divorce can be achieved through letting the deepest blue states, and perhaps the deep blue counties within red states, leave to form their "utopia." This can include Washington, D.C., or whatever they'll call it once they rub out Washington and Columbus. The "red" America will probably prefer a decentralized federal government.

Many of the Leftists won't want to give up the possibility of controlling all Americans, but maybe enough people in those blue states can be persuaded by pointing out that they won't have to deal with the troublesome opposition that currently slows their progress.

Yes, there are Leftists in conservative areas and vice-versa. More people will move. Those who don't will at least have a better understanding of what future they are facing should they stay put.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Don't Kill Me

Having a walled & gated estate with an armed security team, a maintenance team to keep the estate in great condition, a reinforced automobile with a professional driver, a personal trainer, a nutritionist, a personal chef, butlers, housekeepers, an in-home medical team, and personal shoppers/couriers would reduce risks to me and thus help me live longer.

Therefore, if you oppose federal funding for these things, you are killing me.