Read This Before You Comment

I don't want "profanity" on my blog. Disagreeing with me is fine. But if your comment has profanity or is libelous or somehow problematic in a similar way, it will be removed.

As far as the content of this blog...

I support very limited government, preferring local government to centralized government. No, I don't want people to starve, get sick, go homeless, go hungry, be stuck in poverty, be shot, wallow in pollution, or suffer racism or other bigotries, but I do know there are often much better ways to address problems than ever-expanding government.

I am a follower of Jesus Christ and I defend freedom of religion and many other aspects of  traditional American liberty.

Either you agree that men and women are significantly different, or you don't.

A) If they are significantly different (as seems to be indicated by the fact that some people are attracted to one sex but not the other, along with many, many other things), then the pairing of both sexes is an inherently different action than the pairing with someone of the same sex. Thus, marriage (bride+groom) can justly be treated differently by society.

B) If they are not significantly different, the claim to be attracted to one sex, but not the other is meaningless and thus can't place someone in a protected class. If someone actually believes that there is no significant difference between the sexes, they shouldn't bother commenting on this blog (at least not on issues relating to marriage, gender, etc.) because are living in a fundamentally different reality than the rest of us. Comments from such people may be deleted on that basis alone.

Since I am not taking comments on this page, you can e-mail me at playfulwalrusatyahoodotcom if you want to comment, whine, complain, or ask questions about this page.