Monday, December 13, 2021

Some Important Truths

In no particular order, here are some important truths...
  • Not all problems are going to be solved in this lifetime.
  • There are not only other - but better - ways to solve most problems, or at least improve the overall situation, than by a federal government program.
  • The Constitution tells the federal government what it can do; otherwise, the federal government isn't to interfere. If you want the government to get involved in something not currently assigned to it by the Constitution, then amend the Constitution.
  • Unconstitutional government involvement usually begets more unconstitutional government involvement.
  • Capitalism is unavoidable. The more restrictions placed on it, the smaller the percentage of the population that will be able to use their resources to the fullest and enjoy the fruits of their work the way they see fit; only the elite, connected, wealthy, or criminal will be able to circumvent the restrictions.
  • Some people are going to make more out of their resources than others, and they shouldn't be punished for doing so. People should be celebrated for making the most of the resources under their control.
  • With free markets, the pie gets bigger for everyone.
  • Someone else having more money than you is not automatically evidence of injustice.
  • Disagreeing with a Democrat's proposals and decisions does not make someone a racist.
  • People who judge other people on the natural color of their skin are being foolish.
  • As long as they are minors, your kids are your responsibility. You chose to make them; they didn't choose it, and nobody else chose to make (or adopt) your kids. This means that some things you want will have to take a back seat to what your kids need.
  • I don't blame women for the evils of men, but I don't blame men for the evils of women. I blame people for their own sins - including myself for my own.
  • Having your genitals surgically altered, taking hormones, dressing differently, and calling yourself by a different name does not really change your sex.
  • There are things more evil in this world than hypocrisy. Getting busted for doing an evil you have preached against means you should've not done that thing, not that you shouldn’t have preached against it. Someone who does that thing and fails to speak the truth by preaching against it is not more noble. This word is frequently misused, as it means saying one thing while believing something contrary. People do things they know are wrong all of the time. People also have done things in the past that they thought were OK but now they know better, and say so. In neither case are these people hypocrites, especially not in the second case.
  • Not all cultures are equal. Some cultures are better than others. Migration can be one sign of this.
  • The primary mission of American education should be to pass down American culture and values to the next generation.
  • If you came to this country, then clearly you like something about our culture enough that you bothered to come here, and you should adopt our culture instead of subverting it; work to improve it rather than supplanting it.
  • That you don't like the way the world seems to be is not proof that God doesn't exist.
  • That God doesn't always do what you want, when you want, how you want is not proof that God doesn't exist.
  • Whether or not Jesus Christ lives or is Lord is not determined by what any professor, politician, preacher, performer, or scientist thinks.
  • Believing that some people will go to Hell is not the same as taking steps to hasten their arrival.
  • Believing that some people will go to Hell doesn't mean knowing the eternal fate of any given person.
  • I am not the final judge of any other person's heart.
  • I will not try to force my religion down your throat, but I will represent myself with my vote and other political actions.

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