Monday, April 30, 2012

Scandal! Romney Not a Homofascist

There was a cover story in today's Los Angeles Times that makes that startling case.

Rodney and the Riots

In case you have missed all of the news outlets marking the event, it has been twenty years since thugs, opportunists, gangs, and general wastes of human potential rioted in Los Angeles, looting, burning down businesses, destroying property, assaulting, and murdering.

There are people who blame the acquittal verdict in the first trial of the officers who were simply doing their jobs, according the the law and department policy, when they apprehended unrepentant convict scum Rodeny King for driving like a maniac, which we know now is a habit of his, and then resisting arrest. (I know there were people who said their actions violated policy, but the only policy they seemed to have violated was "Don't give the anti-police circus fodder." Too may people were afraid to speak the truth.)

We know the acquittal wasn't the cause of the riots, because thugs riot when the Lakers win the NBA championship, and may riot when the Lakers lose. We have riots because we have people who want to riot. And because our leaders are too wimpy to do what should be done to quell riots. And because people sitting at home watching the news coverage think they can get away with it based on what they see on their TV. And because we reward rioters and their accomplices by offering them jobs and freebies.

Anyone who paid attention to the first trial of the officers who prevented Rodney King from killing himself or someone else could see that acquittal was a real possibility. I was not the least surprised when they were acquitted. The portion of the video that shows King getting hit with batons doesn't look good. But it never looks good when police have to apprehend a large, drugged ex-con who charged them (also caught on video, but you didn't see that nearly as often), is resisting arrest, and wasn't subdued by tasers.

People who make money off such claims played this arrest as a racist event. Which explains, of course, why his passenger, who claims the same racial identity, wasn't hit with batons, right? And of course, we know no white people were ever treated that way during an arrest, right?

What have the last twenty years shown about the people involved?
  • Rodney King is a violent substance abuser who should not ever again be allowed to drive.
  • One infamous attempted-murderer rioter with a sports nickname didn't learn his lesson after going to prison for a short sentence, and soon went back to prison again.
  • The police officers are not troublemakers, as they have lived quiet lives ever since. It is a shame they lost their jobs and were prosecuted twice and spent any time in jail or prison.
We should never again reward rioters. Taxpayers and businesspeople threw money at the neighborhoods. How has that worked out? Oh sure, there's probably someone who is living a decent life now that got hired through the job offers... but those individuals would have made it anyway. Business owners should have been compensated (preferably with money intended for "community support") and given moving expenses under the condition that they not reward the rioters by reopening in those neighborhoods. I've already written what I think the response should be to riots:

Thank You, Andrew Klavan and Bill Whittle

And thanks to Tammy Bruce blogger Maynard for calling our attention to this:

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Why Not Bully? Why Not Commit Suicide?

1) We're nothing more than meat machines, a bag of molecules; animals. We, like all life and the universe itself, are nothing more than the products of natural processes unguided by any transcendent God. Chance mutation after chance mutation has produced us – the ones fit and lucky enough to have had a series of ancestor organisms that survived long enough to reproduce. Our thoughts are nothing more than chemical reactions in our brains; our actions the result of those chemical reactions, the chemical reactions themselves being the result of natural processes extending back to when the universe somehow popped into existence from nothing (ah yes… because gravity exists).

2) Our actions are dooming the planet. The human population is growing too fast and causing climate change that will destroy the planet in a few decades.

Some of the very same people who have been loudly and stubbornly insistent that one or both of those are indisputable facts and that they should be taught unchallenged in academia and in the media are now mourning suicides and speaking out against bullying, telling people they shouldn't engage in either.

Why not? Why not bully? Why not commit suicide?

Who are you to judge? Who are you to say you're right and someone else is wrong? Don’t like bullying? Don't do it. Don't like suicide? Don't do it. Who are you to force your morality on someone else?

Isn't it survival of the fittest? Perhaps the bullies are more fit, and those who can't handle or deflect being bullied are not fit to survive.

If we're overpopulated, isn't it noble to commit suicide?

The planet is doomed, and the only way to make things better is through governments we know are ineffective.

The only reason to live it to be famous. Isn't that really what it is important? But how many people will ever be famous? Looks like the easiest way, ironically, is to kill yourself as a result of being bullied.

Clearly, some cultures have esteemed bullying and suicide; isn't it arrogant to say those cultures were wrong?

Shouldn't everyone be able to come up with their own concept of life? And if their concept of life is that it isn't wrong for them to kill themselves, especially if they are unhappy, who is anyone else to say otherwise? Their body, their choice.

Can public schools – or anyone else for that matter – tell anyone why they should not bully or commit suicide without invoking morality?

Now, I can tell someone why they should not bully and should not commit suicide, but my strongest argument against these things is ultimately based on God - someone dismissed by so many of the people speaking up about bullying and suicide as a "sky pixie".
So... all of you enlightened, freethinking brights, who are unencumbered by what you see as Dark Age superstition and ancient folly... and all of you people who do not want God or the Bible cited as an authority in public discourse...Why shouldn't someone bully? Why shouldn't someone commit suicide?

Monday, April 23, 2012

Chuck Colson

So Chuck Colson passed into eternity after living a redeemed life and having ministered to millions through Prison Fellowship and other efforts. He rightly called on Christians to be aware and engaged in their communities and in the governing of their nation.

And what do some of the Leftists write about him?
That he was "antigay" and a "theocrat".

Really? Someone is a theocrat if they think Christians have just as much right as anyone else to vote and serve in elected office, and to do so according to their conscience? Please show me where Colson dismissed the establishment clause of the First Amendment, calling for the federal government to adopt a Christian denomination and mandate support of the denomination.

Someone is "antigay" because they hold to what the Bible teaches about sexuality and marriage – that marriage unites a bride and groom and that sex is for marriage? For some, apparently, the entire world must be evaluated by what makes blood flow to the genitals of a tiny minority of our population. Colson wasn't Christian, you see. He was antigay. Yup. As if he woke up every day and asked, "How can I hurt gay people today?" No, he was “antigay” because he didn't stay silent in the face of coordinated assaults on marriage law, public morality, and Christianity. And why don't these people, I wonder, describe him as anti-Islam, or anti-polytheism, or anti-alcoholism, or anti-fornication, or anti-crime? The world, it seems they believe, revolves around their genitals.

Chuck Colson did more good for the world that most of his critics combined. Shame on those who slander and libel him.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Yes, Vote GOP in 2012

Lies and misleading statements can travel halfway around the world before the truth has the time to put its boots on. I might believe the crap in this pathetic hatchet job if all I ever did was read headlines from Leftist media.

Corporations are people. For legal purposes, a corporation is a "person". This is why there is a legal term "natural person" for individuals like you and me. The legal classification of a corporation as a "person" facilitates taxing corporate income and holding corporations criminally liable for wrongdoing. Would Democrats prefer corporate income not be taxed, and that corporations not be held criminally responsible? Then there's the fact Mitt Romney said, in response to a possibly disturbed heckler, "Corporations are people." Mitt was referring to the fact that corporations do consist of people: 1) the employees are people, and 2) the owners are people. Do Democrats deny this? Then again, Democrats do have a habit of denying that people are people. You know, like little girls who are about to be born.

Women who use birth control are sluts. Who said that? I do recall Rush Limbaugh saying that, given the costs of various common forms of contraception, an unmarried woman who says she has to spend $3,000 a year on birth control must be having so much sex that she's a slut, especially if she demands strangers pay for that contraception. Did any GOP candidate or elected official say women who use birth control are sluts? A single one??? Limbaugh is a radio host. He apologized. I do have the wonder though... in the Democrat dictionary, what is the definition of a slut?

College students are snobs. Again, name the GOP candidate or elected official who ever said such a thing. Rick Santorum, from what I recall, said President Obama was a snob in saying that everyone should go to college - he didn't say college students were snobs. Santorum has at least once advanced degree, from what I recall. He was not being a hypocrite, nor was he calling college students snobs. He does rightly point out that the purpose of Leftist universities is to create more Leftists.

Gay Americans are abomination. Again, name the GOP candidate or elected official who ever said such a thing. There have been Republicans who have, quoting the Bible, said homosexual behavior is an abomination. Did Mitt Romney say that? Have any of the GOP candidates for Senate  or Governor or current Senators or Governors said that? And what difference does it make?

Poor people deserve to be poor. Again, name the GOP candidate or elected official who ever said such a thing. Some poor people are nothing but victims of failed Democrat policies. However, people who do things like: 1) commit serious crimes; 2) piss away their partying instead of saving and investing; 3) regularly accumulate debt subject to high interest rates and incurr late charges; 4) abuse substances; 5) have children while young and out of wedlock; 6) show no educational or professional ambition or work ethic; 7) consistently eat way too much food, especially foods high in fat, sugar, and sodium and rarely get enough exercise... are more likely to be poor as a result of their own decisions. Democrats seem to think rich people don't deserve to be rich, unless they are Democrat politicians who have married into or inhereted their wealth.

Union workers are socialist thugs. Again, name the GOP candidate or elected official who ever said such a thing. Only some union workers are socialist thugs... like the ones who beat people up, picket private residences, and tout socialism. That's not all union workers. In fact, some union workers are Republicans who are more or less forced to pay dues that are then funneled to Democrats, despite how those Republican union members feel about it.

The unemployed are lazy parasites. Again, name the GOP candidate or elected official who ever said such a thing. Many of today's unemployed are hard workers who are victims of Democrat policies. But there are unemployed people who are lazy parasites. Are Democrats really so stupid as to believe that all unemployed people are hard workers who contribute more than they consume?

Latinos are illegal until proven otherwise. Again, name the GOP candidate or elected official who ever said such a thing. This is nothing but racism and race-baiting on the part of Democrats, who don't want Latinos, especially Catholic Latinos, to think about how much the Democrat policies work against strong families and freedom of religion. The Democrats don't want Latino immigrants and naturalized citizens to think about what a slap in the face it is to accomodate and benefit illegal aliens when the immigrants and naturalized citizens went through the trouble of playing by the rules.

The Bible trumps the Constitution. Again, name the GOP candidate or elected official who ever said such a thing. The Democrats want to divert attention away from the Democrats who clearly believe foreign law or judges trump the Constitution. The GOP position is that the Constitution is the highest law of the land. Personally speaking, the Constitution does not currently conflict with the Bible, but I note that Biblical arguments were effectively used against slavery when slavery was Constitutional.

Global warming is a hoax. Gobal warming is either happening or it isn't. It is some reports about global warming that have been exposed as hoxes, and we've already seen some predictions proven false. The Democrats have not proven that it is necessarily or possible to take effective actions against global warming that will benefit humanity more than harming human progress. The Left has a history of alarmism about crises that later exposed for not being problems in the first place or being overblown.

The US auto industry should go bankrupt. Any business that irreversably accumulates financial obligations it can't meet should go bankrupt so it can be restructured or the assets sold of and put to better use.  The Democrat cocern about the automakers was funneling money to unions and screwing over investors.

The US President is a Muslim agent from Kenya. Again, name the GOP candidate or elected official who ever said such a thing. But it is interesting the implication here is that Democrats believe Muslims and Kenyans are bad.

Now it's my turn...

Children not yet born should be obligated to pay for people to live well today.
It's no problem to keep introducing ponzi schemes into our government structure.
Babies who survive abortions don't deserve to live.
Catholics should be forced to pay for strangers to have partial-birth abortions.
Government should get more centralized, bigger, more expensive, and more intrusive.
White males are enemies of everyone else.
Trial lawyers should get even richer.
You should have to join a union whether you like it or not.
Gas prices aren't high enough.
Terrorists and serial child rapist-killers deserve free housing, health care, food, recreation, and security for life rather than execution.
...Vote Democrat in 2012!