Monday, April 23, 2012

Chuck Colson

So Chuck Colson passed into eternity after living a redeemed life and having ministered to millions through Prison Fellowship and other efforts. He rightly called on Christians to be aware and engaged in their communities and in the governing of their nation.

And what do some of the Leftists write about him?
That he was "antigay" and a "theocrat".

Really? Someone is a theocrat if they think Christians have just as much right as anyone else to vote and serve in elected office, and to do so according to their conscience? Please show me where Colson dismissed the establishment clause of the First Amendment, calling for the federal government to adopt a Christian denomination and mandate support of the denomination.

Someone is "antigay" because they hold to what the Bible teaches about sexuality and marriage – that marriage unites a bride and groom and that sex is for marriage? For some, apparently, the entire world must be evaluated by what makes blood flow to the genitals of a tiny minority of our population. Colson wasn't Christian, you see. He was antigay. Yup. As if he woke up every day and asked, "How can I hurt gay people today?" No, he was “antigay” because he didn't stay silent in the face of coordinated assaults on marriage law, public morality, and Christianity. And why don't these people, I wonder, describe him as anti-Islam, or anti-polytheism, or anti-alcoholism, or anti-fornication, or anti-crime? The world, it seems they believe, revolves around their genitals.

Chuck Colson did more good for the world that most of his critics combined. Shame on those who slander and libel him.

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