Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Flimsy Comparison

Want to compare the struggle to neuter marriage as a "gay rights" issue like the civil rights struggle of African Americans?

There's no comparison. No African American was ever able to get by living "in the closet". We are talking about buying people like property, treating them under the law as property (it was legal to destroy your own property, mind you), shipping them to a foreign land, whipping, beating and raping them, denying them education, voting rights, housing, employment, and all kinds of accommodation, and public, photographed lynchings akin as if they were having a town parade, with no punishment for those leading the lynchings. All because of their skin color. To this day, African Americans score lower in various socioeconomic indicators. Contrast that with homosexual people. When was the last time a homosexual person was simply walking down the street, behaving the same way as anyone else, and was publicly lynched for being homosexual, with the murderers getting away with it despite clear evidence of their guilt? When was the last time a homosexual citizen was denied the right to vote based on who they are? What housing covenants state that the housing can't be sold to homosexual people? When a heterosexual person or closeted homosexual someone kills someone else presumably because the victim is homosexual, it makes huge news, is rightly widely condemned, the murderer ends up in prison, and Oscar-winning movies and Tony-winning plays are made about it.

Read more of my reaction to opinions printed at LATimes.com... over at The Opine Editorials.

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