Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Delusional Marriage Neuterists Stroke Cuomo's Ego

Ah yes, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who thought the most important thing facing the state was that it didn't have neutered marriage licenses so that brideless and groomless couples were unable to get marriage licenses. Boo hoo. So here's Beth Fouhy's Associated Press report about what the people who are fixated on the notion of having everyone else praise what they do with their genitals want to do (besides stuff I won't write about here) to reward Cuomo.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's successful push to [neuter] marriage in his state has made him a national hero to liberal voters and has sparked talk of a potential presidential bid for Cuomo in 2016.

Quiz time. Can you tell me when the last time a New York-based politician won a major party’s Presidential nomination, let alone the Presidential Election? It’s not for lack of trying, as the Cuomos can tell you. And the Clintons. And the Gulianis, and so many others. I know New Yorkers and many Leftists think New York is the center of the universe, and it is a very important city in a lot of ways. But there are 49 (not 56) other states.
"Andrew Cuomo is seen as a civil rights leader and has millions of volunteers and millions of donors across the country who would instantly support him if he decides to run," California-based gay rights leader Chad Griffin said.

Such a "leader" they're "behind" five other states, including Iowa. Six if you count California.
Clinton also signed the so-called Defense of Marriage Act in 1996 that defined marriage as a union of one man and one woman.

Yes, DOMA in 1996 definied marriage as a union of one man and one woman. As if up until then, there were no dictionaries and everyone thought marriage was just any two people.

The article talks about all of the other things he's done that have ticked off the Left – mainly, bowing to fiscal reality. But since he pushed to neuter marriage, anything else can be forgiven. The only way he could have garnered more praise from the Left is if he had been a woman who underwent a late-term abortion while simultaneously wrapping a Bible in the American flag and setting it on fire.

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