Wednesday, May 25, 2022

When Evil Brings Mass Murder to School

Most government schools in the USA turn children, teachers, and other staff into sitting ducks for evil people to commit mass murder. 

We can never eliminate murders at schools, but we can do something to reduce them.

Many other government buildings are protected by securing the grounds, limiting and screening entries, and armed guards. Yes, that's expensive, but we clearly have the money, considering how much we're already spending on government schools, and how much we're sending to other countries. It's a matter of priorities.

Legally banning guns is not the solution. Even forgetting the Second Amendment, the Fourth Amendment, and the rest of our Constitution, the USA is different from other countries. The demographics and history of this union of state is different. The geography is different. We share a long, porous border with the corrupt country of Mexico, where cartels already easily smuggle people and other contraband. Bans on firearms would further enrich those cartels and not prevent smuggling of firearms. Also, how exactly would banned firearms be confiscated from residents in the USA who previously owned them legally? It would take armed raids to do it, which would result in countless deaths, which defeats the purpose - unless you're trying to kill otherwise law-abiding citizens and law enforcement officers, which I wouldn't put past the Left and other Big Government statists. Meanwhile, more people would be radicalized and hoard firearms.

"Common sense gun control" is a useless phrase (except for scoring political points). What exactly is meant by that? What's already in place? How is it being enforced? What exactly is being proposed? How will that be enforced? And again, how will that be effective (and equitable for minorities) in comparison to laws controlling drugs? Each additional law restricting the private ownership and use of firearms involves the government usurping more power from the people. People have a natural right to defend themselves.

Does human life matter? When there are about 2,000 elective abortions, killing innocent human beings, in the USA every day, school shootings are a mere blip in the total of innocent children being murdered. The Left will make the mistake of comparing abortions to mass murder using guns as the weapon anyway. The big difference is that elective abortion kills at least one human being each time it is done. In contrast, very few gun sales will result in the death of any innocent person at the hands of another person.

Firearms are constantly used defensively. Most people have no idea how many times firearms are reported to be used defensively, and those are just the reported instances. Many instances go unreported or unrecorded, and often the trigger isn't even pulled. If all someone ever heard about automobiles was fatalities from their use, they might demonize AAA and call for a ban of automobiles. Each murder, especially of a child, is unacceptable. However, the fact remains that the significant majority of schoolchildren will never be threatened at school by an evildoer with a gun, thankfully.

The people to blame are the murderers. Very people few are so insane that they truly do not know that they are murdering someone. An extremely few mentally ill people have murdered people at school with a gun or by any other means. The overwhelming majority of mentally ill (or bullied, or rejected, or....) people have never done anything like that. In almost all cases, it is a result of choosing evil.

Firearms in the hands of private citizens isn't new. The tradition of private citizens owning and carrying firearms literally goes back to the start of our country. Minors have handled guns. Guns have been in homes, and they have even been used legally at schools. So what has changed? It isn't the guns. Why are there more people willing to engage in mass murder that will almost certainly result in their own death? Why aren't more of them stopped before they can murder so many?

You CAN do something. So many people demand that we "do something" (different) when the evil of a mass murder at schools, shopping centers, or workplaces is perpetrated.

A few things you can do:
  • Take your children out of government schools. There have never been more options, from private schools to homeschooling. There are even online public schools. You have many options other than leaving them where they are sitting ducks.

  • Whichever school your children are in, appraise the security of that school. Who can access the school and how? Is there armed security? If the school doesn't have adequate security, demand it, or consider relocating if that's what you need to do.

  • If legal where you are, consider networking with other reliable parents so that there is always at least one armed, trained parent adjacent to the school, keeping an eye and ear on what's going on.

  • Support police using deadly force to stop (potential) murders. Demand aggressive prosecution of any attempted, planned, or committed murder at school, should the evildoer survive.

  • Hold the parents/guardians, spouses, etc. responsible when they should have taken steps to prevent the evildoer from attempting or committing murder. That might involve criminal prosecution, civil lawsuits, shaming, or shunning. Parents can't control everything their children do. But sometimes they are egregiously negligent.

  • Don't make your children paranoid, but do teach them to think of what they'd do in an emergency no matter where they go. That can range from natural disasters like earthquakes or tornadoes to automobile accidents (or deliberate collisions), fires, fights, robberies, assaults, etc. How can they remove themselves from the situation? How can they protect themselves if they can't immediately escape? Once it becomes a habit of thinking this way, it takes just a few seconds at any location.

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