Sunday, February 5, 2012

Funding Planned Parenthood Supports the Slaughter of Innocent Human Beings

This graph, found at, is supposed to get us to think Planned Parenhood is  a great organization. Hey, look, "Abortion Services" is only 3%.
You know, if you did a pie chart of what the KKK does (including cleaning up highways) or ever has done, "lynching African-Americans" would no doubt be less than 1%. Furthermore, you'd find that the KKK and any "Neo-Nazi" groups' combined totals of African-American murdered wouldn't even amount to a slow month for Planned Parenhood. Not even close. Planned Parenthood has slaughtered many, many more African-American babies than the KKK, and has done much, much more than the KKK to keep the percentage of the African-American population in the United States of America small relative to the rest of the population.

Most murderers don't spend more than 3% of their time killing people. It doesn't make it a good idea to pay for their overhead, or associate with them.

One laughable, but depressing thing about the title of the chart are the words "Patient Care". More than half of the patientts involved in abortion are killed as a result of that "care".

I also wonder if "Contraception" is really just about true contraception, or if some of that is something that kills the human being post-conception. That stuff should be added to the "abortion" category.

Exactly how many pregnant women Planned Parenthood has referred to an adoption agency, organization, or lawyer? And how do we know this data is accurate, anyway?
About 80 percent of Planned Parenthood’s users are over age 20, and 75 percent have incomes below 150 percent of the poverty line.
So, 20 percent of PP's users (one in five) are "under 19". I wonder how many are 17? 16? 15? 14? 13? I wonder how many rapes of underage girls PP has helped cover up, and thereby helped facilitate the ongoing abuse of those girls? Interesting that the statistic isn't what percentage actually fall under the poverty line, especially if we don't include minors and students who are being supported by others.
It’s also worth noting that federal law already forbids Planned Parenthood from using the funds it receives from the government for abortions.
And how exactly is that enforced? And if the funding covers their overhead or outreach, it is going to abortion.
The services Planned Parenthood provides save the federal government a lot of money.
Yes, well, if we simply killed all of the convicts and the people asking for welfare we'd be saving all sorts of money, now wouldn't we?
It has been interesting to see this defense of "but abortions are such a small part of what Planned Parenthood does" used by people who condemn anyone even smiling at organizations like Focus on the Family because they spend a small amount of their time responding to homosexuality advocacy in addition to all of the other help they provide for families.

"thejames1225" 4/11/2011 5:30 AM PDT:
Thanks Klein, it's good to know that PP only kills 3% of the time. Interesting that this is PP's biggest financial gain, killing 3% of the time

Criminals have businesses to laundry money
PP has business to able to kill babies..

BTW, 3% is not a number. PP should buy a chain of McDonalds too, That would knock that 3% down to maybe 1%. Same amount of babies killed by it would look better, according to Klein that is....
"pvilso24" 4/11/2011 6:31 AM PDT:
Concern13... repeats the liberal myth... "If you really want to lower the abortion rate, provide comprehensive sex education and birth control services to the whole popuation."

The New York Times reported last year… in liberal free-condoms, early sex education-friendly New York City... 41% of pregnancies end in abortion - 60% for minorities. Convenience killing while a million couples eagerly await to adopt a child.

Planned Parenthood in 2008 reported high-profit abortions up over 300,000+, low-margin adoption referrals down to less than 3000. A high 100 to 1 kill ratio !!

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