Monday, January 9, 2012

Turning Washington, D.C. Into a State?

So some people in D.C., the seat of our federal government and the place that elects crackheads as mayor (mere coincidence?), want the District to become our union's 51st state.

That would ensure two more Democrats in the Senate, so we can expect support for this to come from the Left. (Interesting how their ideas for gaining/retaining control always involve changing the rules... making voter fraud easier, making new states out of Democrat areas, getting more felons to vote, lowering the voting age, giving current illegal aliens the vote).

How about an old-fashioned compromise that allows Orange County, California (and perhaps a larger center-right area) to become the 52nd state simultaneously? If not The OC, how about some other conservative area in the western area? I'd like Orange County to escape the control of San Francisco and Los Angeles for personal reasons, and California Senators are likely going to be Democrats for the forseeable future. I'm open to other ideas, though.

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