Saturday, October 15, 2011

Blaming the Rich When the Solution is Limited Government

John Wallin of Tustin got it right when he wrote a letter to the Orange County Register.
The problem with the latest batch of misinformed activists' primary assumption that corporations "control the government," is that they have it backward – corporations cannot force anyone, let alone all-powerful politicians and their bureaucratic minions, to do anything. Forcing people into compliance is the exclusive domain of gangsters and our grossly mismanaged governments and the corrupt politicians and public employees who incessantly practice cronyism, which distorts the "free" markets they then attack as unfair.

Why are corporations operating in the highly regulated "free" markets that benefit from legislation considered greedy and corrupt but not politicians who hand out that legislation along with money to their cronies that they coerced from us?

Big Government shifts tax funds or creates tax breaks that benefit some businesses over others. Big Government intrudes into the marketplace in ways that prevent the free market from providing more opportunities to smaller businesses and upstarts.

If our government is properly limited, it won't unjustly shift taxpayer money to businesses, nor give one business an advantage over another.

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