Monday, October 31, 2011

Ban Bogus Hollywood Marriages

So was the latest Kardashian wedding just for a TV show? After, what, 72 days, and minutes after the wedding episodes finished airing on TV, the marriage is over. Did the marriage really exist in the first place?

I'm so thoroughly disgusted. What is it with Ryan Seacrest and the shows he puts on the air? Shows on which people who are famous for no other reason than having a sex tape that "somehow" got leaked go to clubs and act like idiots? Or because they are the siblings of said person?

Marriage neutering advocates are the most organized marriage attackers, to be sure, but there are so many other serious threats to marriage, not the least of which are these ill-advised fiascoes.

Fornicating, shacking up, pushing out and "raising" babies out of wedlock used to be shamed, now people run to the nearest camera to tell the world about it, with no shame. Yes, fornication is nothing new, but people used to be discreet about it.

The divorces and affairs and shack-ups and stunt weddings of some of the Hollywood bunch is just so nauseating.

What happened to taking sex and marriage seriously? What happened to being careful and wise about getting married, and honoring vows?

Now it is all about some narcissistic series of parties and a white (give me a break!!!) dress. Disgusting.

Throw yourselves parties. Just please stop calling what you're doing a "wedding" and "marriage". You are making a mockery of something so very important to the thriving of humanity.

I should say that no, I don't really want to use the force of law to stop people in Hollywood from getting married, and yes, I know there are some legitimate, lasting, and model marriages from some people in Hollywood. They are the ones who tend to stay out of the magazines and don't have shows on basic cable.

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