Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Reconquistador's Dream

Despite being deep in the hole, California is still finding new ways to transfer taxpayer money to illegal aliens. Not only can illegal aliens get in-state tuition rates at the taxpayer-subsidized state universities, but now it looks like they're going to get taxpayer-funded grants to attend... as though there is too much money for it all to go to legal residents and citizens. This is part of the Orwellian-named DREAM Act. At least the Los Angeles Times, despite support illegal aliens' lawbreaking, printed some letters against this.

Marlene K. Mariani of Encinitas:
Why do we as taxpayers have an obligation to help pay for educating illegal immigrants at our public universities? Let them become legal or get their education in their own countries.

Ann Doty-Mitchell of Los Angeles:
It is especially upsetting when, as this piece notes, you consider that "these undocumented immigrants would be allowed to earn a degree but still would not have the right to work here." Why are we financing degrees that won't be used at the expense of a deserving legal resident?

We need to move away from taxpayer-supported education in general, starting with higher education. This is just one more reason why.

1 comment:

  1. I guess that is the consequence of having those who are "walking in darkness at noonday," making policy.


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