Saturday, April 23, 2011

I Am a Sinner

I invoke the Bible, moral standards, etc. in some of my writing here. I often describe ideals, or the way things should be. Never do I mean to imply that I haven't messed up big time at different times in my life. The Bible calls followers of Christ to the holiness of God.

The thing is - nobody but Jesus has maintained that level of holiness as a human being.  I sin.

Is the solution to reject moral standards, and call whatever I do right, and even fight to change laws that discourage or punish things I do that are wrong?


The solution was provided by Jesus - living the perfect life and dying on the cross for my sins. Through Him, I am forgiven, and I can turn to Him whenever I go astray… tell Him I'm sorry, and ask for His help to get me back on track and to keep me from straying again.

So when I blog about some decline or deficit in society, I'm not excluding myself from that. I do screw up.  But I will do my best not to allow that to prevent me from calling for right and denouncing what is wrong.

Do I think everything that is wrong should be illegal? No way. On the flip side, though, I am reluctant to agree that people have a right that should be protected by law to do what is wrong.

Would I like to see everyone follow Jesus? Yes. But using government force to attempt to bring that about is not an option. Government-forced Christianity is an oxymoron. Nor do I think that people should be punished by the government for not being Christian. A truly Christian nation will protect the freedom of religion that is expressed in our First Amendment. So long as your religion does not promote actions that violate the rights of others, you should be free to practice it.

If you know you are a sinner and aren't assured of your standing before God, I invite you to read through a modern translation of the Bible - the Gospels, Romans, Hebrews are good books to start – and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. He's defeated sin and death, and will transform your life. I still sin, which is why I titled this post "I Am a Sinner." But He has paid for my sins. All to Him I owe. I am His servant, and I can't think of a better Master to have.

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