Monday, October 24, 2022

Vote For Limited Government

My fellow Americans, if you haven't done so already for the November 2022 elections, vote. Vote now. Vote for limited government.

If you have a ballot that was sent to your home, it is best that you take it directly to its destination so it doesn't get "lost" on the way.

If you can't do that, try mailing it from a location (such as a USPS facility) where the people don't know your political affiliation. For example, my postal carrier and local post office can tell mine from the mail I get.

If you can vote in-person, then do so.

Voting for limited government can help even if you're a deep Blue state or deep Red state. It doesn't matter what the polls say: VOTE.

In almost every race for the House or Senate or Governor, there are two realistic choices: a Democrat and a Republican. It would be better to have Republican control of the House and Senate even if you aren't thrilled with the individual Republican for whom you can vote. So vote for the Republican.

Get your like-minded relatives and neighbors to do the same.

Let's make a difference.

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