Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Join the Ranks!

Apparently March 31 is the day activist groups have designated as one of their special campaign days. This time it is Transgender Day of Visibility. This is not to be confused with the Transgender Day of Remembrance, Transgender Day of No Longer Calling Yourself Gay Even Though Ex-Gays Don't Exist, or Transgender Day of Attempting to Gender Conform Even Though Gender is a Social Construct.

Remember when it was "gay and lesbian" people who were at the forefront of activism? Well, with things like marriage neutering now the nationwide Court-imposed thing that it is, the activists switched immediately to pushing "transgender," "genderfluid," "non-binary," "genderqueer", "gender nonconforming" despite how many of them insisted neutering marriage was "the last great civil rights issue."

Yeah, we told you that wasn't the case. We told you they'd use their increased power push things a lot further. And they have.

Now, if you're an adult, and you don't feel comfortable in your skin and you "realize" that you're "transgender", (or genderfluid, or non-binary) I'm not going to get sent to a re-education camp for trying to tell you otherwise or pointing out all of the people who have "de-transitioned." Want to change your name? Have healthy body parts chopped off? Get shot full of hormones? Wear a dress even though you look like a guy? Go ahead! I've known and gotten along with people I know to be transgender.

It's when you say crap that preventing such surgeries and hormones and such from being inflicted on minor kids that we should all say "NOPE!" And  you when you call that "denying health care to transgender kids" you are LYING. Is the kid being denied a vaccine? Treatment for the flu? Having a broken arm set? Dental care? NO. So you are LYING. You are LYING in an attempt to butcher kids for your own jollies.

While we're here, I will point out that when famous or semi-famous people come out as bisexual, pansexual, transgender, genderfluid, non-binary, genderqueer, gender nonconforming, or whatever new terms activists will come up with tomorrow, those individuals don't have to change a thing. They can live exactly as they always have been. But now, they've 1) gotten free positive publicity, 2) placed themselves in a "protected class" (socially if not also legally). It's quite a brilliant move, actually.

Oh, and no, it's not automatically transphobic to refuse to date a "woman" with a beard and a penis, or who used to have one.

If you're an adult and you want to be called a certain name and referred to by "her/she" or "he/him" even though your birth certificate says something else - and you did too until last week and you might revert to that next week - I will do that. That's the polite thing to do. And let me be perfectly clear: I believe every adult should have the same rights I do. So I support the rights of transgender people just like I support the rights of everyone else. Nobody should be deprived of their rights without due process and a just reason. 

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