Thursday, February 18, 2021

The Left's Reaction To the Passing of Successful Republicans or Conservatives

I am posting this the day after the passing of Rush Limbaugh, but it has applied so many other times and will apply again.

The way many on the Left publicly react to the death of successful Republicans and conservatives is more evidence as to why they should be denied the power over others they so desperately seek.

What did Rush Limbaugh do that was bad? He said some mean things? Said a few incorrect things? Engaged in some distasteful humor? 

Who hasn't?

Really, who hasn't?

Limbaugh was on radio for three hours per day, five days per week, for decades. (He also wrote books and had a television show for a while, and engaged in public speaking.) Of course he said things he shouldn't have or got a few things wrong. So what??? For some of the things, he apologized. I've seen the lists of supposed sins of Limbaugh circulated by the Left. Many items on the list aren't even a problem, especially when taken in context. It's just that Leftists don't like them. 

There's the real "problem." Limbaugh very effectively articulated a conservative, America-loving message, and defended and promoted Republicans, and what's worse to Leftists is that he did it to tens of millions of people because he was so entertaining while doing it. What's even more, he paved the way for so many other conservatives in talk radio and other media, so that people were exposed to something other than the Leftism-Democrat Narrative they were getting from media, academia, etc. Leftism can't abide dissent. Facts, logic, and true history, discussed openly, obliterate Leftist narratives. That's why Limbaugh, and those he inspired, are hated by the Left. 

They hate him because he was successful. And they hate you just the same. These people want you to shut up, they want to control you, and they want you dead. They have provided the evidence themselves. 

This is why Leftists should never have any control over anyone other than themselves.
Don't be fooled. There are some people out there who claim that having a family member who listened to Rush Limbaugh made home/family life awful. It's possible they had a rotten family member. That's not Limbaugh's fault. He's not responsible for his listeners, especially misapplication or misinterpretations of anything he said. And if mere disagreement with the Leftist narrative made your life difficult, that's sad.

From what I've read, people's personal interactions with Rush Limbaugh were positive. He certainly donated and raised tens or hundreds of millions of dollars to/for worthy charities.

One doesn't have to agree with his opinions or how he expressed them, but, strictly judging from his show, he wasn't a bad person. Celebrating his passing reveals the heart of the Left. 

Due to changes in the industry and media in general, Limbaugh's success in radio will never be matched. In that respect, he is literally the Greatest of All Time, like it or not. 

I thank the Lord for lending Rush Limbaugh his talent, and lending Rush to us. His radio and television shows and his first two books helped me more than I can say. 

He has gone to his reward. 

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