Tuesday, June 19, 2018

We Should Defend Our Borders

Remember when the latest Leftist panic was guns (again)? As I type this, the Left's panic-du-jour is "children separated from their parents" at the nation's borders. The Left is desperately pushing this panic with everything they have. This is probably an effort to derail momentum for border security (because the Left doesn't actually believe in national borders but will gladly use them to their advantage anyway) and distract from devastating things like the IG Report and Hearings.

Plenty of people generally not the Left have hopped onto this bandwagon, and understandably so. We can all agree it is sad that kids are placed in the position of being detained in a different location than their parents. It looks awful and it sounds awful. But how did things get this way?

It's really awful when a surgeon has to cut into somebody, especially a kid. It looks bad. It's going to cause a lot of pain. It would be great if the surgeon never had to do that. But the surgeon is reacting to events that were set in motion when someone assaulted someone else. Then the victim was brought to the surgeon, who has to deal with the mess with no perfect way forward that looks tidy and won't cause any pain.

What's really going on?

What's going on is people are coming to our border and coming in illegally. This is a problem for many reasons, including, but not limited to, our taxpayer-funded systems, smuggling of contraband, human trafficking, terrorist and criminal threats, and threats to people, livestock, and crops in the form of diseases and pests.

Some of the people coming here have been coached to say certain things to game our system. Some of them are bringing children with them that may or may not be theirs, and some children are being sent "unaccompanied".

The children are being detained separately because it is currently illegal to detain the adults and children together. The alternative (other than killing them all, which some regimes in the world might do) is to let them into the country to live as illegal aliens on an ongoing basis. (Of course the Left would want to grant everyone citizenship with the wave of a hand.)

When someone is detained, should we not give these adults due process? Should we simply turn the children away like they do to Central Americans trying to cross the Southern wall into Mexico? Should we not give health screenings to those who bypass legal entry, even though it could be sought at any consulate in the world) and protect our children from potential diseases?

President Trump didn't create this problem. President Reagan signed an amnesty deal that was supposed to include enforcement. The enforcement was neglected. Word spread that the USA was giving away freebies and people had to think another amnesty would be likely; just flood the states with enough illegal aliens! Let's not forget that Presidents Bush (41), Clinton, Bush (43), and Obama all could have prevented what's happening now (foreign families facing border enforcement) by SECURING THE BORDER! But they winked at illegal entries. They didn't bother. Cheap labor! Votes! Demographic shifts! Compassion! Change! So tens of millions of people are now living here illegally. Many of them even march and speak at microphones in public demonstrations making all sorts of demands.

Americans, including naturalized citizens who did things the legal way, have had their patience wear out. We're tired of the unassimilated masses turning entire communities into third-world messes. We're tired of career criminals who hop back and forth across the border. We're tired of all of the risks we face because our border isn't secured. We're tired of children being sent here "unaccompanied" in a way that exposes them to many risks. We're tired of legal visitors, immigrants, and naturalized citizens being treated as suckers as others thumb their noses at our laws.

...and most of this problem will go away!

Not only does the Left not believe in national borders, but some of them now insist that Americans must accept the hordes because of the USA being on land once inhabited by "indigenous peoples". Sure, reasonable people know this a settled issue, but the Left will take any chance they can get to try to bash and diminish "white" people. It's curious, though, why they are so determined to have poor, unskilled, uneducated  "people of color" come to the USA, given that the Left constantly harps on what a stupid, backwards, oppressive, neglectful, deficient, classist, racist, xenophobic, misogynist, homophobic, & transphobic country this is, where children should live in constant fear of pollution and school shootings. Yet, the Left is saying it would be terrible to send people back to their countries, even though they swore up and down that Trump was wrong to (according to reports) refer to them as "s---hole" countries. How confusing! If the USA is so bad and those other countries aren't, why are these people coming here, and why would it be so bad to make them go back home???

These Leftists are people mixed up enough to say
"white" people born in the USA to American citizens are guilty interlopers who should shut up and be ignored but people "of color" born to foreigners here illegally should take full advantage of American citizenship (even though it shouldn't exist, according to them) and be listened to and given advantages in academia and various programs. But arguments don't have gender or skin color, and there are people of indigenous ancestry who want the borders of the USA protected, too.

The Left and other critics have been linking these detentions to slavery, lynching, the internment of Japanese Americans, which were all Democrat specialties. They don't seem to care. Any chance to bash the USA is good for them. And because they're all about symbolism and sensation, they gasp about recordings of children sounding distressed. You can go to any daycare and hear sounds of children sounding distressed. Any public restroom in which a child going through potty training can have a child sounding distressed. Some children living a life of luxury sound distressed every day. Again, is it a good thing that children are being detained, especially apart from their supposed parents? No! But again, this is a reaction to something our current authorities have had thrust upon them. We are not going to other countries and abducting these children.

Another cheap tactic is to cite reports that some of the children are traumatized or suicidal, as if the only reason that could be is because they are being held and looked after, as if they were all emotionally healthy and not at all traumatized by anything that happened to them before they got here. All of this disturbing behavior could only be the result of us not granting their entire family citizenship and a nice home. Right. But some people don't think these things through. They simply jump on the bandwagon and demand magical solutions.

Then there's the "outrage" Leftists display because as long as the Left is hyping some skewed narrative about children, no Republicans are supposed to be pictured with their own children. These people are sick. But they'll insist "This is not a political issue!" Of course it isn't. Nothing the Left wants is "political". Only what other people want is political, divisive, mean-spirited, etc.

Some of the people trying to come here might have legitimate claims to asylum, and those should be taken seriously. However, we can't be stupid and lax about our borders or our immigration policy. We can't let everyone who wants to come here do so. We could accommodate far more if we had federal, state, and local governments more limited than they are now,  and a culture that fostered "e pluribus unum" instead of failed multiculturalism. That's the sad irony of the Left. Their policies make it harder for people to assimilate and thrive, to find affordable housing that isn't subsidized and schools that are effective in educating and passing along American values and culture.

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