Thursday, January 18, 2018

State of the Union Wish List 2018

I'm so glad we have President Trump instead of HRC. And make no mistake about it. Those were the choices. Ford, Dole, McCain, and Romney were all fine men with much experience who got the GOP nomination, and they all failed to get elected. Did we need to add to that list?  No.

This doesn't mean I think Trump has done everything right or well. The attacks on him by the Left, including judges, media, activist groups, and the Democratic Party, have been over-the-top and unprecedented in modern American politics, acting as though everything Trump does or says is the worst thing ever and will be the end of the world.. I'm sure they'd argue that it is warranted is because they see him as an unprecedented in his actual/potential danger to the country.

Trump is a populist, not a conservative ideologue. His public position on marriage law, for example, was more to the Left of Obama as he entered the Presidency.  He was steeped in the culture of NYC and has long had public appearances with, and donations to, Democratic candidates and causes. He's been governing as a conservative, and that's what really matters.

If we focus on what he's actually done and not what the media has said he's done or has planned to do and we ignore Twitter, he has quite a list of accomplishments, including reducing ISIS, the new tax law, judicial appointments, and rolling back regulations. Sure, there are Leftists and others who aren't happy with all of those things, but if the Left doesn't like it, then in general, it's good. I've seen more than one headline lamenting Trump is undoing everything Obama did, and that's GREAT!

People who ignore the activist groups, the political nerds, and media hysterics will likely not have the sense of fear or outrage that so many people have today.

Let's get to the speech.

I know most of these items will be left out of the address completely, but permit me to dream. I also know that much of what past Presidents have proposed in the SOTU address hasn't translated into legislation. Notice that with most of these, I'm calling on the President to encourage action by the people, not to use the force of law.

The People Should Be Unleashed. Tout the booming economy and explain that it is the people, working in voluntary transaction, who create jobs, offer new and better goods and services, and grow investments, when they are freed from overregulation.

Explain That the Federal Government Is Not the Answer to Every Challenge, Problem, or Choice - Rather, it is the Last Resort Answer to Very Few. That is what freedom and liberty are all about. Challenge individuals, businesses, congregations, nonprofits, and local and state governments (where appropriate) to take action instead of relying on the federal government. The federal government is there to protect the union from foreign threats and to and resolve some disputes between states. Trump has been cutting regulations in order to enable people to take more control over their own lives.

Esteem Human Life. Vow to prosecute anyone who is transporting people across state lines for abortions to cover up statutory rape or anyone transporting human tissue, obtained without the consent if the individual, across state lines. Encourage people to think of human life as important and valuable, whether young or old, sick or healthy.

Tout the Successes of the War on Terror. Denounce "radical extremist losers." Laud those military, intelligence, and law enforcement personnel who have uncovered and prevented terrorist plans and actions.Stress that ISIS and other such organizations must be obliterated, and point to recent terrorist attacks as reminders the threat it still very real.

Border Control Is a Matter of National Security. Explain that allowing illegal aliens any advantage in gaining permanent legal status ahead of legal immigrants is a slap in the face to legal immigrants and naturalized citizens. Announce that, effective immediately, the National Guard will secure our borders to prevent terrorists, disease-carriers, and smugglers from entering the U.S. They will stay there until suitable barriers and checkpoints are constructed – however long that takes. We will NOT encourage further invasion by offering amnesty, health insurance, and other tax-funded benefits for citizens of other countries who illegally enter/stay in the U.S. Speed up the process for legal immigration for those who want to come to the U.S. legally to become citizens and can find sponsors who will ensure they will stay off of public assistance. As for illegal aliens currently living in the United States – do not offer amnesty; they can go through the same channels of those who are trying to immigrate legally. If the border is secure, this problem will eventually take care of itself because their children born here are citizens and the illegals can continue to function as they have until they die off, if they don't want to go the legal route. Any illegal alien who serves honorably in the U.S. armed forces and hasn't committed serious crimes should be granted citizenship. If a true shortage of labor occurs (meaning American unemployment is low and employers need more temporary labor), a true guest worker program can be developed.

We're One Race - Human. Yes, "race"-based slavery was our national birth defect, and injustices persisted after slavery was abolished, but hostile racists have very little power now in our overall system. Law enforcement must have limited powers, and rioting shouldn't be tolerated. Any notion that Trump is a white supremacist or white nationalist should yet again be explicitly rejected. Many Leftists now hate the "one race" talk, but they're attempt to divide Americans and keep them fearful of people in "other races" should be called out.

Break the Street Gangs. Pledge federal agencies to assist state and local law enforcement "sweep and hold" gang-infested urban areas.

Encourage Responsible Gun Ownership. As it is the duty of every able person to stand up to evil & crime in protection of the innocent, responsible gun ownership, training, and practice should be encouraged, and state and local laws should allow for this

Declare the Growing National Debt Unacceptable. Explain that it is a basic function of the federal government to adopt a budget, and that it is unsustainable and immoral to accumulate increasing debt, thereby burdening future generations. The government should not encourage further dependency on government.

Don't be Santa Claus. Don't propose new federal programs and expansions of existing federal social programs. Enough already. There are 50 states in the union and a few territories that are supposed to be handling their own matters – that is, the matters that are not supposed to be left up to "the people".

Stop Using the Tax Code For Social Engineering. Tout the recent tax changes and the beneficial results. Tell the Congress that instead of taking the carrots (taxes) from the people and then dangling some of them back in front of the people, that the people should keep their carrots in the first place and do with them what they will. Call for tax simplification and a move away from income/payroll taxes. If someone pays taxes, everyone should pay taxes.

Individuals Should Plan for the Future. Talk about the numerous options individuals and families have for saving for the future. Encourage them to save and invest for the future and not rely on the federal government to take care of them in their senior years. Point out that a reduction in federal spending will allow people to keep more of their own money to aid in saving for retirement.

Explain that Planning for Your Health Care is Part of Planning for the Future. Call for more freedom, competition, and private decision-making in health care.

Equal Access to Free Markets. Explain some of the major benefits of free markets, and that the best thing the federal government can do to foster a good business climate that provides jobs is to provide protection from interstate crime and foreign terrorists, and to be involved as little as possibly in voluntary employment and business transactions, not picking winners or losers in business, subsidizing some and restricting upstarts while protecing established businesses.

Property Rights and Personal Freedom. Most Americans understand that people should be considered as individuals and based on their behavior and abilities, not as members of a non-ideological group (ethnicity, etc.). Therefore, the federal government should no longer be involved in preventing people from renting, selling - or not - to whomever they choose for whatever reason, and should no longer be involved with who an employer hires and fires and why. Airlines, for example, should not be forced to carry anyone who makes the majority of their employees and passengers uncomfortable. It is clear that people can succeed in the USA regardless of skin color, sex, or sexual orientation, and focusing on slights, imagined or real, based on these personal characteristics, is fostering hostility and division and self-defeating thinking, doing more harm than good.

Encourage private innovation and solutions to reducing reliance on terrorist oil.

Education Is a Private Responsibility. Given the state of American public education since the Carter administration, call for the dismantling of federal involvement in education.

Encourage Proven Conservation Techniques. Quote the scientists and activists who, in the 1970s, warned that we were heading for a new ice age, and quote those who said that by 2000, the rainforests and the oceans would be destroyed. Go on to say that we must not hastily and uncritically accept alarmist warnings and use federal government force to impose destructive restrictions on the people and business that may not result in significant environmental benefit.

Don't Listen to the Alarmists. Whether from activist groups or major news outlets, alarmism is usually wrong. Give examples of dire predictions and reports that turned out to be mistaken. Call for optimism and pride in the American values of liberty, e pluribus unum, and in God we trust.

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