Wednesday, January 25, 2017

If You Don't Want Babies Slaughtered You Have to Grow OSHA or Something

You've encountered this in different forms, probably, but we'll deal with this specific example for now.

Notice they don't deny that elective abortion kills innocent humans.

Instead, they try to either silence pro-lifers or co-opt them into Leftism by listing off a bunch of other things these Leftists CLAIM must be part and parcel with being pro-life.

Yes, "chemical" spills (I assume they mean toxic substances) into water can kill people. Dumping of toxic substances into the water support is already banned, and I don't know of elected or significant Republicans who are trying to make it legal.

Gun rampages anywhere are already illegal, too, and again, I don't know of any Republican who is trying to make them legal.

Starvation... if anyone in the USA is starving, it is willful or due to their mental illness, but of course it was liberals who wanted it to be harder for the mentally ill to be kept somewhere they didn't want to be. Probably so it would be easier for them to vote Democrat. Mothers CAN earn a "living wage" with a little planning. For people who talk about planning parenthood, the Left seems to want to bend over backwards for people who don't. I don't know of any Republicans who want people to starve.

Everyone in the USA has access to health care. "Affordable" is a meaningless word in this context.

I sure hope someone who talks about how sanctimonious it is to get involved in someone else's family-planning choices 1) doesn't stick their noses into the choices of people who choose to have large families and 2) doesn't expect other people pay for those choices. Want to keep people out of something? Their money needs to be kept out of it, too. Oh, and slaughtering innocent human beings for being expensive or inconvenient as no more or less "family planning" when those human beings are young, middle-aged, or old.

Some Republicans have opposed additional federal government involvement in things like workplace safety. This doesn't mean these Republicans oppose workplace safety. It is just that Republicans know the federal government forcing itself on people is usually not the only or even best way of reaching a goal. But if you want to talk about safety, I'd think you'd want to discourage, rather than do things that encourage, recreational use of mind-altering narcotics, especially ones that increase reaction time or reduce coordination.

Opposing most gun control measures IS pro-life, because more innocent lives will be protected from criminals.

Using government force to impose wage levels on an employer has nothing to do with being pro-life.

The ACA, by increasing government interference in our lives, increasing health care costs, reducing competition and innovation, is actually more anti-life than pro-life. Forcing nuns to pay for abortions is definitely not pro-life.

It is basic function of government to protect innocent human life. Under our Constitution, the federal government is generally not empowered to get involved in every aspect of our lives. Democrats and other Leftists are certainly welcome to try to amend the Constitution, but Republicans should oppose Amendments that will reduce liberty. Nothing reduces someone's liberty more than killing them.

Saying that people who don't want innocent, defenseless human beings slaughtered in elective abortions are hypocrites because they don't want to wipe the nose of capable adults is like saying that people who don't want animals torn to pieces and thrown into the trash for being inconvenient but won't support forcing complete strangers to pay for your pet's care don't really care about animals.

We're arrogant and ignorant? How is is arrogant to want everyone, regardless of their skin color, economic status, sex, or other personal characteristics to have liberty? Rather, it sounds arrogant to assume you or a handful of elites know what's best for everyone. How is it ignorant to know socialism has failed throughout history? It's rather ignorant to not know that the unborn are human beings with inherent worth.

We're really what's wrong with America today? Really? Not people who choose to drug themselves into stupors while enriching terroristic cartels? Not people who are conditioning the youth to be unable to handle other people having a a different opinion, to the point they become unable to function? Not the people rioting in the streets, destroying neighborhoods of people who are usually already struggling to make something of their lives?

Even if someone was being hypocritical, I'd rather they at least be protecting the most vulnerable and innocent of human beings, while failing in other areas. Is "Planned Parenthood" hypocritical for not helping expectant parents plan to pay for their child's education?

Let's turn this around. You claim to be pro-choice. Are you really?

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