Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Stinking Cup of Joe

Fascism thrives on propaganda, and there's no shortage of propagandists for homofascism. Most people who engage in homosexuality are not fascists, but plenty of homosexuality advocates behave like fascists.

Notice that for many years, homosexuality advocates touted the importance of "tolerance". They've largely stopped doing that, because now they they've gained so much power, they don't plan on tolerating anyone who does not publicly cheer private homosexual behaviors. What tolerance really means is allowing for disagreement. You don't tolerate things you like or agree with. You tolerate things you disagree with or don't like instead of trying to force eradication of those things. The way homosexuality advocates used the word was quite different - they used to mean liking, promoting, or celebrating homosexual behavior. They portrayed any disagreement with homosexual behavior or any conviction that homosexual behavior was qualitatively different than heterosexual behavior in any way other than superior as being akin to murdering people.

One popular and acclaimed homosexuality propagandist is this Dog My Joe! character. I want to point out exactly how he operates. Quite often, he'll use unflattering images of his targets along with the twisted text, and use disparaging, childish nicknames as well. He headlined an entry at his blog today as such:
Tony Perkins: Gays Should Not Be On TV
Now, is that really what Tony Perkins said? As you'll see, it is not. Truth doesn't seem to be important to Joe, however.

He ran this quote by Perkins:
"When Gallup asked people to guess how many Americans were homosexual, most said 25%. Turns out, they were about 22% off. And while gays and lesbians make up about 3.4% of the population, they seem to get 100% of the consideration when producers write and cast new television shows. The debate over same-sex 'marriage' has been perfectly scripted by Hollywood. Television shows are full of lovable gay characters, whose dangerous lifestyle is just another funny footnote. Unfortunately for America, those make-believe people are having a real-life impact. It's no accident that almost 20% of Americans credit television with changing their minds on same-sex 'marriage.' It's time for families to let networks know that what they gain by being pro-homosexual doesn't compare with what they'll lose. And that's viewers."
Where did Perkins say that gays should not be on TV? He didn't. Perkin accurately describes the reality of television these days. By the data presented by established, respected mainstreamed homosexuality advocacy organizations, homosexuality is overrepresented on television, and portrayals of homosexual behavior or people who identify as homosexual are overwhelmingly sympathetic, positive, and present Leftism and marriage neutering advocacy as the expected priorities of such people. You'd never know from watching television that there are homosexual people with principled opposition to the neutering of marriage, or at least doing so by judicial activism (Joe, to his credit, does run quotes by homosexual people who oppose marriage neutering). You'd never know that homosexuality correlates to higher rates of domestic violence, substance abuse, STDs (at least with males), or mental illness.

You'd also never know what many homosexual people have noted, that general fascism and homosexuality have had a symbiotic relationship. So none of this is merely a coincidence. Homofascists are part of a movement that pushes to sexualize children as early as possible, and part of the Leftist tendency to make everything political. Note I did not say "homosexuals are pedophiles". Of course, some are, just like some heterosexuals are pedophiles. I'm talking about an activist movement. Homofascists take statements by individuals, often made in response to questions by proxies of homofascists if not homofascists themselves, that extol the ideal of uniting a bride and groom (marriage), or saving sex for marriage, or modesty, or decorum, as unacceptable utterances making that person and their business, employer, enterprise, livelihood the targeted or relentless attacks.

Joe attributes the quote this way:
- Hate group leader Tony Perkins, via email.

"Hate group"? Where has Perkins or his organization ever promoted hated? Ah, but there's a Leftist victicrat group that has labeled them as such. You see how that words? A Leftist group pronounces those who disagree with them as haters. Other Leftists run with name-calling, as if the Leftist group's name-calling makes it true.

Here are the tags Joe attached to this entry (remember, it is his language, not mine):

assholery, bigotry, Christianists, crackpots, FRC, hate groups, religion, television, Tony Perkins
Fascists like to portray opponents as extremists or insane. They also like to portray anyone complaining about their tactics as whiners.


  1. PW writes: "homosexuality correlates to higher rates of domestic violence, substance abuse, STDs (at least with males), or mental illness"

    Strike "homosexuality", replace with "relegation to 2nd class citizenry", and you have a great point. Perhaps a society that stops treating homosexuals as 2nd class citizens sees 1st class outcomes in that demographic.

  2. PW: "Where did Perkins say that gays should not be on TV? He didn't."

    True. But he did suggest that putting them on TV would result in a loss of viewers ... suggesting that gay characters on TV are at odds with the priorities of a show's producers and network. There is clearly the suggestion that anyone interested in ratings should not put gays on TV.

  3. PW: "Hate group"? Where has Perkins or his organization ever promoted hated {sic}?

    For examples that illustrate why Tony Perkins' FRC is considered a hate group, see: http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-files/groups/family-research-council ... speech that fallaciously maligns a class of people is rightly categorized as hate speech.

  4. PW: Note I did not say "homosexuals are pedophiles". Of course, some are, just like some heterosexuals are pedophiles.

    Certainly you do understand that most pedophiles "are" heterosexual.


I always welcome comments. Be aware that anything you write may be thoroughly analyzed and used in subsequent blog entries.