Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Understanding Terms Used by Abortion Promoters

If Roe v. Wade were to be overturned by SCOTUS, abortion law would revert back to the states. SCOTUS doesn't like to reverse itself without unanimity or at least a very strong majority.

Bet let's imagine that somehow, abortion were to become illegal somewhere in our union, with certain exceptions. It will be important to know the vocabulary of Leftist lovers of abortion. You know, like how Leftists call something a marriage even though no bride is involved, or even if no groom is involved?

You are hereby warned that the text below may contain triggers.


As in "Abortion should only be illegal after viability." In that case, "viability" means that a child is able to feed and dress themselves. If they are in any way dependent on others, their mothers should be able to order someone else to kill them. Unless they are Democrat voters, in which case they are expected to be dependent on others, and they can keep voting even after they've died. Some doctor somewhere will sign off on saying that a child who hasn't yet been born is not viable, even at 40 weeks.


As in "Abortion should be legal if the life of the mother is threatened." The normal person thinks this refers to things like an ectopic pregnancy. But abortisexuals consider the life of the mother threatened if she might have to find a babysitter when she wants to go to a NOW rally.


As in "Abortion should be legal in the first trimester." What they don't tell you is that someone, somewhere, will be in the first trimester of a school session, and that's good enough for the abortiphiles. Some doctor somewhere will sign off on the pregnancy being in the first trimester, even at 40 weeks. Like the doctor who wants to do the abortion. Or his buddy.


As in "Abortion should be legal in cases of incest." Normal people think this is referring to grandfather, father, uncle, or older brother (by blood or marriage) raping some underage girl. But those with abortion bloodlust will use genealogical charts (even ones maintained by those meanie Mormons) or a drunken Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon session to establish that someone is a "close relative" because they are half-12th cousins by marriage through adoption thrice removed, and if that doesn't work they'll argue that really, since we're all related, all pregnancies result from incest.


As in "Abortion should be legal in cases of rape." Let’s say a pregnant woman is, for some bizarre reason, unable to get a doctor to sign off on the "life of the mother" thing or the "first trimester" thing, even though that is highly unlikely because abortionists are usually doctors. Let's say a pregnant woman doesn't want to use the "incest" claim for whatever reason, including not wanting to subject her father to lynching. And let's assume she didn’t even bother to say anything to any law enforcement about this rape. That's okay, because all rape claims must be assumed to be true, even if conclusively proven false, and can only be ignored if they are made against an abortion-supporting Democrat politician or an acclaimed major motion picture director. As such "rape” for purposes of abortion law would mean "any intercourse that has resulted in a pregnancy that is not desired at the moment a woman requests an abortion."

States around the union regularly elect abortion fans, so even if Roe v. Wade was overturned, any pregnant woman could get the Church of Abortion clergy to pay for their trip to an aborting state. Those "not racist" Leftists afraid of more black or brown babies would especially make sure women "of color" could take those trips.

So ultimately, what any restriction on abortion would do is make it slightly more difficult to get federal funds to pay for an abortion whenever pro-lifers control Congress and the Presidency. This does not stop abortion profiteers and others from constantly raising funds by telling women they’ll be chained to the kitchen stove and used as incubators for rapists unless you send them money.

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