Thursday, June 21, 2012

Why OC Should be Free of LA and SF

The Orange County Register frequently prints excellent letters to the editor. I generally find that the letters there are better than those printed in the Los Angeles Times, and there's never a paywall that pops up on the Register's website. I do wonder how much the hits have dropped at since they cut back on access. But I digress.

Here's a good set of letters.

Mike Rodgick of Trabuco Canyon wrote about road to Hell and what it is paved with:
Some, including the founding fathers, believe that liberty and personal responsibility are the highest state of man. The best way to achieve the greater good was to allow each to reap the rewards of their own labors. They were right of course, beholden to no one, following their dreams, laboring for themselves and their families. America became the most prosperous nation on Earth, others not so much.

We all agree that slavery, forcing someone to work for the benefit of others is immoral. Yet, some believe taking money, which is the product of our labors for the benefit of others, is not evil. Voluntary acts of charity are truly noble endeavors, whereas coerced charity is little more than theft and economic slavery.

We all feel sorry for those who are in dire straits through no fault of their own, but the forced subsidy of those who continuously make poor life choices, the unambitious and lazy, tattooed, drug-dealing, gun-running gang bangers and all who take advantage of our social system is counterintuitive and counterproductive. Some are truly less deserving than others. Remove the penalty for failure and remove the reward for success and we will reap what we have sown.
Tim I. Martin of Corona:
The Democrats love painting Mitt Romney as a heartless rich guy who likes to fire people. The truth is that we all appreciate the ability to fire people who aren’t providing services they were hired to do. While most of us have fired food preparers and others whose products weren’t up to our standards, let’s look at firings on an even bigger scale than that of Romney.

He goes on to provide quite the list. Then...
This November, American voters will decide whether or not to fire Barack Obama, who had no problem firing General Stanley McChrystal over comments by subordinates.

Every divorce in this country is the result of somebody getting fired. Many people have become great successes after getting fired. Both hiring and firing are integral parts of life. Ironically, our president continues to use one of his favorite campaign exhortations: “Fired up!”
He's right. There are some other great letters at that link, but there are also some at this one.

Jef Eales of Mission Viejo:
It is interesting how JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon is getting grilled by Congress, again over a $2 billion trading loss. To create some perspective, President Barack Obama and Congress (which hasn’t passed a budget since Obama has become president) have run an average $1.6 trillion deficit per year. The $2 billion loss equates to about 11 hours’ worth of deficit funding to run the country.

Furthermore, the JPMorgan loss is private capital. Accountability and risk will be appropriately rewarded or punished by the market. Unlike the president, who promotes running the country by a negative $2 billion every 11 hours, there is minimal or no outcry or accountability or grilling in the media.

Didn’t he say he would cut the deficit by half if he became president? Why does Obama get a pass on the deficit issue? Put this in perspective, folks.
He's right.

Harold Bradford of Huntington Beach: .
Rodney King was a convicted criminal in the act of committing another crime, drinking and speeding and driving, when the police intervened [“Impact of troubled life gauged,” Front Page, June 18].

Had he been obeying the law nothing would have happened to him. He wasn’t worth the sweat from the forehead of any of the officers involved. He’s lucky one of them didn’t shoot him.

The acquittal of the officers by a jury with backbone wasn’t the cause of the Los Angeles race riots. It was just an excuse for the arsonists, looters, muggers and other criminals to act like the animals they were. Their actions should have been met with whatever level of force was necessary to restore order.
He's right.

The people of Orange County should not have to endure a state controlled by San Francisco and Los Angeles.

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