Monday, December 12, 2011

Surprise! Not Everyone Agrees With Rick Perry

The MSM continues to give an unwarranted amount attention to homosexuality and gender confusion advocacy. See this article by Paul West in the Los Angeles Times.
Rick Perry took another shot at Mitt Romney's offer of a $10,000 bet, but the Texas governor found himself under fire himself Sunday, heckled at a campaign stop over anti-gay bias, including by a man identifying himself as a Marine veteran from the Iraq war.

Anti-gay? Not celebrating homosexual behavior is now considered being anti-gay. How much longer before refusing to engage in homosexual behavior is labeled as such?
"Why are you demonizing gay and lesbian people?" shouted one heckler.

Demonizing? How has he done that? Why are they asking questions that are irrelevant to the issues at hand? And if I show up and rudely yell out questions, will they make it into the MSM?
"Why can't gays compete in the military?" chimed in Jason Arment, 24, an English major at nearby Iowa State University.

They can, but isn't is a distraction to have to share close quarters with someone who makes a point of telling everyone they are attracted to your sex?
Perry is airing a campaign ad, aimed at evangelical Christians in Iowa, in which he says that "there's something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can't openly celebrate Christmas or pray in school."

I don't see how that is demonizing homosexual people, nor being anti-gay.
Arment, in a brief interview, said that he found the Perry ad "extremely offensive" and "insulting" to service members.

I see... Arment speaks for all service members? How about Arment speaks for himself. So what if he is offended? I mean really... so what? "I'm offended!" coming from certain people is supposed to the magic phrase that gets everyone to drop everything and do things their way instead. Well guess what? There is no right to not be offended, and nobody ever died from being offended. (Plenty of men have died from having anal sex with other men, though.) You'd think someone in the military wouldn't be so disfunctionally sensitive to free speech.

Over at The Opine Editorials, we can see that gay can "compete" in the military:

Romney Asks About a Veteran's Service, Gets Marriage Neutering Plea

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