Thursday, July 28, 2011

Their Elephants, Their Choice

I’m not a vegan or even a vegetarian. I eat and very much enjoy everything from salmon and lots of other fish species, to chicken, turkey, beef, pork, and even alligator (I very much like alligator).

I can respect someone who not only doesn't eat animals, but doesn't want to use animals at all, though I say I'll stop using animals and stop eating them when they stop using and eating each other. I mean, come on now, an alligator would just as soon eat a vegan as I would eat the alligator.

What I don't respect is someone who devotes their resources to fighting against using animals (especially if they insist on laws to this effect), even if they can argue certain uses are cruel or abusive - if that that person doesn't devote at least a little more of their resources to preventing abortion.

Sorry, folks. Unless you have appropriate concern regarding the slaughter of human beings, I can't get on board with your concern about other animals.

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