Tuesday, December 1, 2020

AIDS Wasn't Reagan's Fault

[I'm bumping this up.]

It's been over 30 years since the onset of AIDS. Bob Smagula of Santa Barbara wrote in a couple of years ago to the Los Angeles Times to do the requisite swipe at President Ronald Reagan.
I remember vividly how Ronald Reagan's administration chose to ignore this plague. His followers created a poisonous atmosphere by blaming the victims. His indifference was such that he never publicly uttered the word "AIDS" until his seventh year in office.

He goes on to attack President George W. Bush, morality, and even those who doubt that the universe, despite everything we know, magically created itself and that life, despite a complete lack of evidence, magically arose from nonlife through some process yet to be discovered.

The chief complaint about these types appears to be that with the onset of HIV/AIDS in the USA, Reagan didn't drop everything and focus on something striking a tiny portion of the population, a disease that is almost entirely avoidable through some basic morality. Yes, there were people infected through tainted donated blood or through accidental or malicious needle pokes, but the vast majority of people acquired HIV through shooting up illegal drugs with a needle already used by another junkie, or through engaging in rough sex, especially receiving bleeding and/or anal sex from someone who had been having sex with someone else or shooting up illegal drugs. These Reagan-bashers wanted Reagan to take money by force from Watchtower followers and everyone else in the nation, and throw it - not at other diseases less preventable and killing more people - but HIV/AIDS, mostly because it was making it scarier for them to get high or engage in orgies.

Am I saying that people who did those things "deserved" to get AIDS and die, more than then next guy? Nope. But let's not pretend that people hadn't been warned to avoid such behavior. Be honest. How many of these people have sympathy for chain smokers who get lung cancer and want Obama to do more about lung cancer?

As far as Reagan's lack of focus on HIV/AIDS, I can see why people are so upset to this day. After all, it is right there in Article II, Section 5 of the Constitution of the United States:
The President shall respond to new diseases spread by behavior typical of junkies and homosexual males by taking money by force from everyone and spending it on treating and preventing the spread of the disease, all other issues, including diseases killing more people, be damned.
Oops. That part of the Constitution doesn't exist. Which means it wasn't Reagan's place to do anything. I suppose he could have used his bully pulpit to look into the camera and say:
It is your duty to yourselves, your family, your country, and our God that you stop buggering different people and stop sharing needles. If you're a man and refuse to stop engaging in homosexual behavior, then stick to true monogamy. Not that “monogamy” where you can still have sex with other people as long as your partner is there, or your partner is out of town, or you are out of town, or you're in a club, or in a restroom. If you're a junkie and refuse to stop shooting up, then use clean needles.

Somehow, I don't think those whining about Reagan's refusal to take unconstitutional action on this matter would have been happy with that.

Meanwhile, most people recognize that Reagan did a lot of good for the world, even if they don't like everything about his Presidency.

And here's a hint before we’re hit with the next new disease: Avoid substance abuse. Do not share needles. Save sex for marriage, marry someone who will be faithful, treat that person right, and stay faithful to them.

Also: Under GWB there was more AIDS funding than under Clinton or Obama.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving

I'd love to see President Trump serve another term. The chances of that look very slim. Hopefully, the Senate will remain Republican-majority and, if President, Biden will stay away from Leftism.

There is so much for which we should be thankful.

Personally, I have so many things for which to be thankful it would take me all day to list them. I thank Jesus Christ for what He did and what He continues to do – He's my Lord and Savior. I thank the saints for persevering in handing down the faith. I thank those brave souls who established this Union. I thank our military men and women for preserving this nation. I thank my ancestors for making the difficult journeys to American soil. I thank my parents for birthing and raising and supporting me. I thank my wife for marrying me and birthing and mothering my children. I could go on and on, but I won't.

Some Leftists go into their theatrics this time of year, braying about how horrible it was for Europeans to bring western civilization to the Americas. It makes me wonder why the ones in the U.S.A. who are European ancestry haven't moved to Europe.

This idea that the native peoples living here (who, by the way, were also newcomers at one time) were all peaceful and noble and that the Europeans who settled here were horrible, evil people who always mistreated the natives is ridiculous. All over the world, people have been overtaken and either killed off or integrated. Yet only in certain parts of the English-speaking world is the integration portrayed as evil and celebrating anything remotely connected to it is stopped.

But notice that the Normans didn't give the Anglo-Saxons any sovereign territory, nor casino operation exemptions. Such concessions are not typical of victorious peoples.

Don't let the Leftists take away Thanksgiving. Celebrate proudly.

It is time for us to pause and consider that there is much for which we should be thankful, and we should thank Him. If you're not inclined to do that, then consider all of the people in your life who have been there along the way, providing emotional support, friendship, guidance, and goods and services.

The modern American Thanksgiving meal is an overly bountiful one, a testament to how somewhat free markets and capitalism have produced plenty. From the farmer to the importer to the grocer, participants in the market have allowed us to splurge.

I bid you a safe, pleasant, and reflective Thanksgiving Day.

What's The Truth About the First Thanksgiving?

Lincoln and Thanksgiving: Origin of An American Holiday

Tap Tap - Is This Thing On?

I have neglected his blog for a long time, but that might be changing.

I've remained very active on Twitter, and now now also on Parler (@PlayfulWalrus)

I've also remained active on Facebook.