Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Keeping In Touch

You can keep in touch with me on various social media platforms, where I do participate frequently.

I know some people are boycotting this service or that service, but I plan to use any free service I can to promote the values I support, such as seeking the Lord, limiting government, protecting human life, and individual liberty.

Here's where else you can find me:




And these below I haven't been using much lately:




I do plan to blog here more in the future.

I want to connect with anyone who is at least one of the following:

Christian or follower of Christ
Supporter of limited government and individual rights
Supporter of the Constitution of the USA
Moderate or Centrist
Classically Liberal
Trump Voter or Supporter
Concerned about countering Leftism
Interested in a National Divorce or taking the 9th and 10th Amendments seriously

If one or more of those describe you, please do reach out to connect.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Dear Bob Chapek: You'll Never Be Woke Enough For the Left

Dear CEO of The Walt Disney Company Bob Chapek:

As you'll see over and over again, you can never be woke enough for the Left.

I'm not talking about liberals. I'm talking about Leftists. There is a difference.

Like many business leaders, you are going to be forced to decide: Attempt to appease the Left (which is futile), or endure their vitriol & hissy fits, and focus on everyone else: liberals, centrists, independents, libertarians, conservatives, the politically disinterested.

Keep in mind the Leftists don't want your company to own anything, create value or payments for shareholders, make decisions about who you hire and how much you pay them, or make profits. No matter how much you try to appease them culturally or politically, they do not believe your company should exist independent of being an arm of centralized government.

The recent battle was over Florida's HB 1557, falsely labeled the "Don't Say Gay" bill by professional liars.

What did the legislation actually say?
  • Parents have to be able to access to their child's school records, including health records
  • School district staff can't be prohibited from telling parents about their child's health
  • Third grade or before, no instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity
  • Inform parents at the beginning of the school year what health services are offered and allow the parents to opt their students out of a service
  • Third grade or before, any health questionnaire given to students must be approved of by their parent
That's it. What the problem with that? Who objects to that?

Leftists do. They want to be able to use taxpayer dollars to indoctrinate Kindergartners into the Leftist ideologies on sexual orientation and gender identity. So, they want to be able to encourage Kindergarteners to think of their penis as a problem they'll need to remove, and talk with them about sex. And they want to hide from parents that they are doing this. This is evil. This is insanity.

These students shouldn't be subjected to that. They should be learning how to read, write, speak, and understand English; mathematics; and hopefully some geography, history, science, and art.

On one side, you have people who want to be able so sexualize Kindergartners and promote mutilation to them.

On the other side, you have people who want parents to be able to object to this.

This shouldn't be a hard decision.

Yes, there are some very noisy people in your company, on social media, and in media who screech about how this legislation is bad. Perhaps you should do what you can to keep those in your employ from having access to children when they are on your dime? You should definitely not bend over for them.

It's time to stand up to them and say "No, I'm not going to bend over for you."

It is time to stand up to them and tell them the core of your corporation is about family entertainment and you're not going to push the agenda of people who want to sexualize Kindergarteners. If they stop coming to Disneyworld or Disneyland, if they quit working for you, then your company will be better off in the long run.

UPDATE: People who mock your groveling before them because they don't like the medium of presentation are proving my point. There is no appeasing this mob of unstable, unhappy people who are being agitated by people bent on sexualizing children and putting division between children and their parents.

Monday, April 11, 2022

Nature Doesn't Care if Your CEO Bends Over

There are two distinct sexes, men and women, who are different from each other.
That someone of one sex does some things associated in our culture with the other sex doesn't change that fact that there are two distinct sexes. Nor the does the occasional genetic anomaly or the occasional newborn appearing to be "intersex." An adult human female is a woman. An adult human male is a man. 

The pairing of a man and woman is objectively different than the pairing of two women or two men, or not being paired. This naturally follows from the first premise. The pairing of a man and a woman is how all of us got here; even people conceived in a lab from donated gametes wouldn't exist if there hadn't been a long line before that moment consisting of repeated instances of a man and a woman getting together.

These things are true regardless of what:
  • any law says
  • any court says
  • any politician says
  • any public policy says
  • any media depicts
  • any theatrical or comedic presentation or performance depicts
  • any celebrity says
  • any academic program teaches
  • any church teaches
  • any activist group claims
  • any workplace training or policy
  • any corporate policy or signaling 
  • anyone feels about it, especially anyone on Twitter or any other social media
If you hound a corporate CEO into denying any of this, bending over for you, repeating your scriptures or doctrines, and donating to your slush funds, you haven't changed the facts. You have cajoled someone into acting against reality. Acting against these basic realities doesn't change them. Rather, it results in dysfunction. But if you're empowered/financially enriched for now, you might not care. But decent people do care.