Thursday, March 21, 2013

Which is Not Needed? Mothers or Fathers?

Those "tolerant" and "it's all about love" marriage neutering advocates are attacking this 11 year-old girl for her excellent comments before a legislative committee in Minnesota. Notice there is nothing hateful about her comments, nothing disapproving of homosexual people or homosexual behavior. Some of these vulgar and libelous attackers accuse her parents of using her to promote their own agenda. I wonder if these same critics made the same comments about children who have made comments before legislators about being raised by gay or lesbians couples?


  1. Grace wrongly equates legal recognition of same-sex marriage with the removal of a parent.

    She says: “If you change the law to say two moms and two dads can get married, it would take away something very important for children like me across the state."

    Not exactly. Children like Grace, who have two parents raising them, will continue to have two parents raising them if legal recognition of same-sex marriage is enacted in Minnesota.

    But what about children unlike Grace, who do not have two parents raising them? Children for whom it is either impossible or undesirable for them to be raised by their biological parents. Children such as the three special needs adoptees being raised by April DeBoer and Jayne Rowse in Michigan - children whose biological parents either could not or would not step up to the responsibility of caring for their own children.

    These are children who went from having ZERO parents to raise them to having two. And that's the proposition here. Same-sex marriage improves the opportunities for displaced children to find a loving and stable home with two committed parents. I wouldn't think that little Grace Evans would want to deprive those children of that opportunity.

    1. In neutering marriage, the message is that neither fathers nor mothers are important, only generic "parents".


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